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Location: Sweden

no facts

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Wild Ekvation, part two

This isn't the Wild Ekvation (Yeah, you wish... sucker)*
This! This is the Wild Ekvation... just look... don't you feel LOVE.

Well, one day, after recovering, the Wild Wkvation sat down and smoked some bidis.
The Wild Ekvation had a hard time believing what was in the hollow parts of the figures. This newly-created-by-martin-timell-and-emma-andersson was found.
So the Wild Ekvation took a trip in this flying box. A few weeks of pure relaxing is on the agenda.

*I'm sure we will talk about her another time.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


- Yeah, I know, I hate them to. These bloody babies. But what can one do against the issue?

- Slice it?

- You like pizza, dude?

- That could be an amazing idea...

- Let's try it, ey.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Detta är inte en snuskgubbe,

det är ett DAGISBARN!

And now Per Nuder's story is going on (take a look at part one first). Look at him, doesn't that dude seem to be very happy?! (please say yes)

Mmmm. After the walk (since every story must contain a walk...) with Da Horse he got home, facing a fat man with A Cup Of Tea.

- Hello buddy, Per said. You don't have to be afraid.

The very next second everything was just a blurr. I think it's called "a hug".

*Since we have discovered that there has been a big fight in Europe about what a "hug" REALLY is, we would be pleased if you just could take a minute to imagine the "hug" between Per Nuder (should be spelled "Pär") and the Man With Da Cup Of Tea"

Dagens I-landsproblem: Smör

We fully support the hate of butter, but even though it might stick on Your fingers for a while and is totally disgusting it can't harm You.

You might want to consider Your choice of eatables, there is no use for having something that "scares the heck out of You" in Your refrigerator.

Therefor it shouldn't really be a problem. So stop wetting Your pants, honey.

Dagens Gurka går till Kazakstan

Som vi ser är "Aleksander" född i landet ifråga.
Men skall vi vara ärliga får landet ifråga priset för att våra fördomar säger att man finner sådana här barn i Kazakstan (se nedanliggande bild).

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Dagens I-landsproblem: möjligheten att bli opererad

Ja inte ser det särskilt skönt ut

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Per Nuder was longing for freedom

Naah! Back back back, rewind!
Per Nuder was longing for a descent relationship

One day he was about to go OUTSIDE his house, yeah, he was really gonna leave the safe place called Home

To be continued

Dagens Gurka går till Per Nuder...

... eftersom han har vakat över våra sinnen i flera dagar nu.

Blir inte klok på om jag orkar med Per Nuders saga jue!

Idag är priset förresten inte totalt positivt, men långt ifrån en hatbomb.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The first story about The Wild Ekvation starts like this:One day a bunch of dressed up Dagisfröknar left town

Behind a lovely looking sea they found an ekvation on the ground
- hop on fellow, let's ride on a carpet round the world, the one standing to the left said
- naaaw, I wanna eat, the Wild Ekvation answered

The stubborn Dagisfröknar cought the ekvation in a fishing net

And fed it a tomato

... nobody could have known what allergic reaction that was about to cause
But don't you worry! the Wild Ekvation will soon be with us again!

Arnold was picking old bikes (those little pink ones) from the street corners (no matter if a member of some royal family was riding them)

*kapoff* and *shlabam* the Little Evil Witch enters
Everybody yawns
The Local Dentist is about to pick up his saw
*wroom* *wroom* *wroom*
We all became wood
Yes, wood, not meat, as you might think at first

Friday, September 09, 2005

Frank Sinatra was taking his child for a morning walk

- I'm going to die, the child said in a fat brittish accent.
An invisible angel took the hand of the child and led her towards a famous Superstar.
Would like to make burgers out of those legs ey?
- Now kiss! Daddy adds and shows a piece of candy. I feel like being nasty!

We better make the ending as happy as possible, Ladys and Gentlemen.

Therefor I add:

Bless that brittish accent. We just can't hear what they all just said. And everything suddenly became a blurr.

- This I call a SMILE, David Letterman said.

Then he got parts of his face smashed.
But *kaaboom* and *baaaaaaah* the Black Horse arrived...
... and suddenly Santa said:

- Let's all be good and share a flower.